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The Value of Spatial Analytics for Web AR

July 13, 2021

At Aircards, we want to ensure the client reaches the goals of their marketing campaign while also delivering a rewarding Augmented Reality experience to their potential customers.

To accomplish this, we’re proud to have created a new spatial analytics tracking technology. Using this method we accumulate data that places us in a better position to understand what works and what doesn’t with our AR campaigns, and how we can continue honing our craft for the future. 

What is Spatial Analytics?

What is spatial analytics exactly? It tracks the way users behave within a three dimensional scene, i.e., our Augmented Reality creations. 

The following is what brands can expect for added value now that we are using this innovative technology.

Time and Motion

When crafting an Augmented Reality campaign, we make creative choices to achieve an intended effect. Without the data to back it up, we have no idea if these choices will yield a fruitful result.

Spatial analytics allows us to study how the user spends time in the space we’ve built. If we give them options within the 3D space to explore, we can now see what they chose and how long it took to make that choice.

If there is a motion aspect to the experience, we can access the data showing how the users move within the AR space. If we are trying to direct the consumer’s attention to something in particular, we can now determine if we succeeded.

Since many brands are still hesitant to invest in this relatively new method of marketing, we now have accumulated data that demonstrates a track record of success. 


When building an AR campaign, we have the goal of connecting customers with a client’s product at the forefront of our minds. So with these analytics, we are better positioned to make creative choices that take into account the users’ behavior when interacting with our AR experiences.

Spatial analytics allows us to view trends across a massive amount of user data. The more data we collect from more users, the easier it gets to establish correlations between those who perhaps chose to purchase a client’s product, and those who decided not to buy.

By detecting patterns in the data, we can determine how our AR experiences can be adjusted and better cater to the customer base.

The Human Touch

This data is collected consensually and anonymously with the users’ interests in mind. The more data we compile about how humans experience our AR, the better we can craft an experience that will engage and entertain them.

We don’t want to waste anyone’s time with a half-baked campaign. The goal is to immerse the user and engage them in a way that surprises, delights or inspires them. 

This data will enable us to deliver that, and by doing so, these users will have a more positive outlook of the brand sponsoring the experience.

Augmented Reality Solution Providers

Data is everything. With spatial analytics providing these added values, our clients new and returning will benefit. They will be better assured their campaign will perform, and even exceed their expectations.

Contact Aircards today to learn more about our Augmented Reality Services.

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