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What Can Augmented Reality Do?

August 17, 2020

The potential for Augmented Reality has grown exponentially in the past couple of years. What was once only accessible to huge brands is now available to small businesses and even for personal use. From wedding invitations to international marketing campaigns, Augmented Reality can transform any traditional medium into an interactive experience. 

The Different Augmented Reality Uses

There are truly endless possibilities when it comes to Augmented Reality uses. The general public is already familiar with AR for fun (think Snapchat & Pokémon Go), and companies are quickly jumping on the AR bandwagon for training, advertising, and brand marketing. So, what can Augmented Reality do? Well, here are some examples in different industries and markets.


The use of AR in Healthcare and related services is increasing by the day. AR is used for training medical students and conducting actual medical procedures, providing better visuals for surgeries, organ modelling, and more. It also aids in improving diagnosis and treatment, even helping users visualize the interaction of different drugs with the body. Vendors to the healthcare services industry also leverage AR for marketing their products by enhancing the engagement of healthcare professionals.

What Can Augmented Reality Do?

Automobile companies

Car manufacturers like Hyundai are leveraging AR to launch their owner manuals, in which product features, repair, and maintenance information is available. Automobile owners can point their mobile or tablet cameras at different parts of the vehicle to get informational guides or for something as simple as why a light is blinking on their dashboard and what they should do about it. Cars equipped with AR will display GPS directions, weather alerts, road conditions, etc. and help improve the safety and driving conditions.

What can AR do in healthcare

Furniture and Home Accessories

Furniture makers like IKEA are using AR to help users “try out” furniture in their space without ever lifting a piece of furniture. Before adding any product to the cart, the users can select a product, point the device’s camera to a space in their homes and see how the piece of furniture fits in their room and how it complements their decor.  This boosts customer engagement and experience by providing them a real-time solution that takes a lot of the guess-work out of shopping for big items.

What Can Augmented Reality Do in cars

Augmented Reality Uses in Advertising

Now with Web AR, Augmented Reality is changing the marketing landscape forever. Web AR is the latest technology that does not require an app for the user to experience the Augmented Reality. The user simply points their device’s camera at an Augmented Reality QR code or clicks a link, and the AR experience will automatically activate. 

With Web AR, even small businesses can captivate their audience with an Augmented Reality experience. Augmented reality uses in advertising include:

  • AR Out-of-Home (OOH) Advertising
  • AR Print Marketing
  • AR Product Packaging
  • AR E-Commerce
  • AR Events, Trade Shows, and Conferences

What Can Augmented Reality Do for Your Business?

With a constantly increasing development in the AR space, the lines between augmentation and reality are getting thinner every day. Aircards is leading the way with Web AR for companies like Black & Decker, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Nationwide, and more. We can work with you and your budget to create an AR campaign your audience won’t forget. Contact Us today for a free, no-hassle consultation.

Read Next: What is Augmented Reality Marketing?